Month: February 2006
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #115: February 27, 2006
Content summary: New Communications Forum this week; Eric Schwartzman interviews Elizabeth Albrycht; Google Page Creator update; social software in the enterprise – Niall Cook on intranets; using RSS without knowing it; PR how-to’s from Jeremy Zawodny; Lee Hopkins report; listeners’…
Diem carp’d
Hugh and I were exchanging some emails about my little faux pas over my previous post about Edelman (re a story that turned out not to be true). Mea culpa, said Hugh. A kind response, but it was more to…
Edelman ramping up social media expertise
First it was Phil Gomes last August. Then it was Guillaume du Gardier in October. And then Steve Rubel this month (starting today, in fact). All three communicators, bloggers I know and major influencers in social media and PR, were…
Microsoft’s Apple-style word of mouth
If you pay attention to what’s going on in the broad tech world (Tech Memeorandum is a great way to get the hum of some opinion), you can’t help but notice things like the growing buzz about Microsoft’s Origami during…
Four steps to overcome collaboration obstacles
A thoughtful feature in the Financial Times discusses the question of why in-house collaboration in organizations is so difficult, with the consequent impact on effective working. The article highlights some accepted theories about this, including these: [The first theory] is…