Month: March 2006
Personal blogging clarified
Visiting the blog of’s Chief Technology Officer, Werner Vogels, to read his account of a presentation at Amazon by Naked Conversations authors Shel Israel and Robert Scoble (some very interesting commentaries about that – link at Memeorandum), I spotted…
Widgets are about competitive position
If you have a TypePad blog, ease of use just got easier with TypePad Widgets. From Six Apart’s press release: [Six Apart has] launched a new, open widget initiative to expand choice and functionality for TypePad subscribers and readers. Thirty-three…
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #124: March 30, 2006
Content summary: Social tagging as an enterprise tactic; a look at the eyebrow-raising Strumpette blog; an update on our discussion of employee bloggers as authoritative sources; the CEO’s changing responsibilities: the example of Procter & Gamble; a new PR trade…
The British cabinet minister who blogs
Looking for something on one of the British government websites, I came across this – the blog being written by David Miliband, Minister of Communities and Local Government. Not only a government minister but also a member of the Cabinet,…
What more could you want when the sun is shining?
I arrived in Manchester in north-west England today ahead of my particpation in a one-day workshop for Melcrum I’m co-presenting tomorrow entitled Enhancing your Intranet with New Technology: How to Make the Most of Social Media. This is my third…