Month: September 2006
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #176: September 28, 2006
Content summary: One Minute News: Getting up-to-date Google data, San Jose State University could shut off Skype on campus, Lincoln Groups wins a $13-million contract, Vocus and Business Wire enter a joint venture, WOMMA explores social media disclosure, Jupiter supports…
Best broadband service in the UK?
The day is looming for temporary online shutdown as I finalize preparations for our move back to the UK. The movers come tomorrow to take our stuff away. Things have been topsy-turvy for much of the past week as we…
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #175: September 25, 2006
Content summary: Dates announced for New Communications Forum 2007; Bitacle blog content theft scam; a brewing kerfuffle surrounds the director-general of the CIPR; Text 100 video on Second Life; Cingular deal with YouTube; iPod FM transmitters in the UK; Lee…
Cool listening and podcasting’s third anniversary
I was in the UK at the weekend to organize a couple of things re my move there next week. As I mentioned in FIR #173 last week, I’m returning to the UK after seven years in Amsterdam. New thinking,…
Where were you when the web began?
Today is OneWebDay – a day which, according to its Wikipedia entry, is “a day when users of the World Wide Web are encouraged to show how the Internet affects their lives. The purpose of the event is to globally…