Month: January 2007

  • Wherever you look, there’s Windows Vista

    New York City was the place to be last night to get a sense of what Microsoft is calling the most signficant product launch in the company’s history. This was the global launch party for Windows Vista and Microsoft Office…

  • The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #210: January 29, 2007

    Content summary: New Media Release podcast posted; using citizen journalists to cover mainstream news; Adobe wants to make the PDF file format an international and open standard; cybersquatters taking over abandoned blogs; comparing Google Analytics, Statcounter and FeedBurner; Lee Hopkins…

  • Second Life’s accelerating growth

    Logging in to Second Life earlier this morning, I noticed in the grid status information that the number of registered users has now passed the three million mark. The growth in numbers of people who are registering an account to use…

  • The difference between bloggers and journalists

    What guides your decisions on whether you link to another blog or website from a post or article you publish on your blog or website? That’s one of the questions arising from Robert Scoble’s rant that his Intel video interviews…

  • Without disagreement there is little learning

    If there’s one thing Stowe Boyd has achieved through his robust posts during the past week concerning the concept of the social media press release, it’s that of helping focus the discussion. What’s this about? you might ask. Here’s how…