Month: May 2007

  • The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #245: May 31, 2007

    Content summary: Join the FIR Facebook community; FIR #250 is soon; a bunch of ‘FIR Interview’ podcasts coming; IABC ConferenceCasts get underway; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; a social media job description; Bruce Willis joins the conversation; the…

  • PHP 5.2.2 breaks XML-RPC in WordPress

    If you use an offline blog editor like ecto or BlogJet, and the server hosting your WordPress blog uses PHP version 5.2.2, you might encounter the problem I have for the past 24 hours. What happened was that every time…

  • Bruce Willis in conversation

    Die Hard 4, the latest film in the Die Hard series of Bruce Willis action movies – known as ‘Live Free or Die Hard’ in the US – premieres in the US on June 27 (opens in the UK on…

  • Melcrum’s social network for communicators launched

    Hard on the heels of launched by Ragan Communications earlier this month comes the Melcrum Communicators’ Network from London-based research and training firm Melcrum. Perhaps ‘launched’ isn’t the right word as Melcrum don’t plan any specific announcements, relying instead…

  • BBC broadcasts TV show within Second Life

    The Money Programme will be the first BBC Television programme broadcast in virtual online world Second Life, according to a BBC press release last week: […] Reporter Max Flint and his spiky-haired alter-ego, MP Masala, travel deep into cyberspace to…