Month: August 2007

  • PodCamp UK in Second Life

    Just taken a flying visit (literally) to the venue in Second Life where you can visit PodCamp UK this weekend. Make a note – About 120 people now signed up to be at the event in the real world, at…

  • Social networking license agreement

    Charging the provider of a social network an activation fee’ for joining? Requesting payment from the developers for ‘accepted friends requests’? How about an ‘early termination’ fee as compensation if the social network folds within a year? Or an ‘annual…

  • The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #271: August 30, 2007

    Content summary: Dan York reports on the joys of IT self support, video and Facebook application development; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; report: half of Americans visit blogs regularly; the TUC calls for workplace guidelines for Facebook; DMOZ needs…

  • Unions call for workplace guidelines for Facebook

    The TUC, the organization representing trade unions in the UK, adds its voice to the big debate on what to do about Facebook and employee use. In a practical approach to an issue that some companies see as a problem…

  • Troubleshooting WLW

    Suddenly encountering difficulties publishing a post from Windows Live Writer where the post contains an image. Troubleshooting with Joe Cheng at Microsoft. This is a test post to see if it now works if I disable the Bad Behaviour plugin…