Month: September 2007

  • FIR Interview – Conor O’Neill, LouderVoice: September 29, 2007

    Irish tech start-up Cubic Telecom wowed participants at the recent TechCrunch 40 conference in San Francisco with their MAXRoam SIM card for mobile phones. The company claims it’s the world’s first universal SIM card offering favourable roaming and call rates…

  • Heading to Ireland

    This is where I’ll be this weekend. Checking Gmail now and again. Phone on. More Twitter than blog. Hope to see you there!

  • Cut from FIR #279

    Overflow from today’s FIR #279: How GM handled the UAW strike on its Fastlane blog. If you want to automatically receive FIR Cuts as they’re published, subscribe to the RSS feed. (What are FIR Cuts?)

  • The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #279: September 27, 2007

    Content summary: Shel’s in Chicago; Neville’s getting ready for PodCamp Ireland, Shel for PME and UK trip; update on FIR Geek Dinner plans; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; Shel reports on the Ragan unconference; Armani opens store in Second…

  • Manchester City goes green

    The City of Manchester football stadium – home to Manchester City FC – will soon be the first football ground in the world to be powered by sustainable energy when an 85-metre-high 3-megawatt wind turbine comes online next year. When…