Month: January 2008
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #315: January 31, 2008
Content summary: Shel’s travelling; FIR Listener Contest winners to be announced on Feb 6; new FIR Interview posted; FIR live on BlogTalk Radio Feb 9; Dan York reports on podcasting gear, Facebook, and more; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop;…
Ryanair’s PR disaster
My post yesterday about Qtrax drew some comments disagreeing that it is the PR disaster I’d characterized it as. Whether it is or not (and I think it is), let’s try this one on for size. Today, budget Irish airline…
A popup with value
I was reading a story on about eBay’s new measures to prevent fraud, and encountered a popup as I scrolled down the web page. I actually found this popup both useful and unobtrusive. In this particular case, as my…
FIR Interview: Sarah Dean Forrester on Crisis Communication – Jan 29, 2008
Crisis communication is a hot topic. In episode #310 of The Hobson & Holtz Report on January 14, it was a primary discussion point, addressing the different types of communication crises. FIR co-host Shel Holtz expanded on that discussion with…
Qtrax: More than just a PR disaster
Maybe a nail in the coffin for the advertising-supported music download business model. From The Times yesterday: A website which promised to give music lovers the world’s first legal file-sharing service was forced into a humiliating climbdown today after it…