Month: August 2008
FIR Interview: Maggie Fox and Geoff Livingston, Part 2
Maggie Fox and Geoff Livingston announced on August 27 that the previously-announced acquisition of Livingston Communications by The Social Media Group will not be moving forward. In this brief interview, they address the reasons for calling off the deal and…
What’s wrong with Technorati
In episode #373 of the FIR podcast last week, Shel and I discussed what’s wrong with Technorati. This turned into quite a lengthy discussion, initially prompted by Dan York’s report in that episode in which he talked about what’s wrong…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #374: August 25, 2008
Content summary: Reminder of the next FIR Live: Sept 20; PR Week blog contest update; social media focus in latest IABC podcast; Jason Calacanis’ 10 PR tips for CEOs; from Singapore, Michael Netzley discusses India’s internet market; the Media Monitoring…