Month: August 2008

  • FIR Interview: Maggie Fox and Geoff Livingston, Part 2

    Maggie Fox and Geoff Livingston announced on August 27 that the previously-announced acquisition of Livingston Communications by The Social Media Group will not be moving forward. In this brief interview, they address the reasons for calling off the deal and…

  • What’s wrong with Technorati

    In episode #373 of the FIR podcast last week, Shel and I discussed what’s wrong with Technorati. This turned into quite a lengthy discussion, initially prompted by Dan York’s report in that episode in which he talked about what’s wrong…

  • The business case for Twitter

    If you want to get a sense of what’s possible with Twitter as a communication tool for business, check out 50 great ideas from Chris Brogan. Even if you already use Twitter in a business setting, you’ll find some useful…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #374: August 25, 2008

    Content summary: Reminder of the next FIR Live: Sept 20; PR Week blog contest update; social media focus in latest IABC podcast; Jason Calacanis’ 10 PR tips for CEOs; from Singapore, Michael Netzley discusses India’s internet market; the Media Monitoring…

  • Social media focus in latest IABC podcast

    One of the volunteerism activities I do for IABC, my professional association, is produce Cafe2Go, their monthly podcast. It’s a pleasurable task, one that I share with my podcasting partner Shel Holtz, as each monthly show always has content that…