Month: December 2008

  • Reflections on 2008

    Not a time for me to write a weighty post on the last day of 2008. No predictions, no recommendations – you have lots of choices for those things – just some reflections on people, places and events during this…

  • FIR Cut: Blubrry lifeline for Podango customers, introduces Powerpress plugin

    Overflow from FIR #409 on December 29, 2009. News That Fits: “About a year ago, as an experiment,  I uploaded some audio onto Podango […]” Podango Warns That The End Is Near Podango Won’t Make It to 2009 and Neither…

  • FIR Cut: Opacity in coal industry blogger outreach programme

    Overflow from FIR #409 on December 29, 2009. News That Fits: Coal Front Group Sets Up Dirty ‘Blogger Brigade’ To Fight Reality Download this podcast (1.87Mb, 3:58) If you want to automatically receive FIR Cuts as they’re published, subscribe to…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #409: December 29, 2008

    Content summary: ‘Get well soon’ wishes to Chip Griffin and Jason Falls; the Shorty Awards; from Singapore, Michael Netzley discusses recent events in Australia, Papua, and China; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; News That Fits: state of the Twittersphere…

  • When God asks

    Could be someone’s epitaph. It couldn’t be mine: I have less than 12,500. :) Great contemporary geek cartoon by Oliver Widder who draws at Geek and Poke. Discovered via Smashing magazine and their terrific showcase yesterday of 50 Beautiful Examples…