Month: April 2009

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #444: April 30, 2009

    Content summary: Win a free ticket to Somesso London 09 in the FIR Listener Contest; FIR Interview with Jeremiah Owyang of Forrester Research coming; FIR Listener Survey closes tomorrow May 1; welcome to the world, Cassie Sophia York!; Eric Schwartzman…

  • Swine flu not to be sneezed at

    In an Audioboo I recorded last night commenting about developments over the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico, I said that what’s happening – the seemingly-unstoppable spread of the virus and the increasing concern from the World Health Organization as…

  • 2 hours only: Somesso tickets 50% discount

    A real deal, says Somesso. STOP PRESS Because it’s a sunny day, and we’re feeling generous, we’ve decided to have some fun. So some time between now and Friday, we will be offering a 50% DISCOUNT on tickets to Somesso…

  • Outlook 2007 steroid fix with SP2

    If you use Outlook 2007 on a Windows computer to manage your email, calendar and more, you’ll definitely want to get hold of the Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2, released yesterday. It’s a major update to the Office suite…

  • Cluetrain #9: Trust is the key

    Ten years ago, in April 1999, The Cluetrain Manifesto was published. This seminal work introduced 95 separate theses based on the concept that “markets are conversations.” Pretty radical stuff for many people in many companies to think about at the…