Month: October 2009
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #496: October 29, 2009
Content summary: Dan York suggests FIR Friends of Google Wave and goes retro with an email newsletter, has lots to say about Google and Facebook, and more; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; News That Fits: Edelman takes heat for…
I like the look and feel of Rackspace Cloud
I’m still thinking about what to do concerning a hosting service for my blogs. This thinking period follows the appalling experience I suffered with DreamHost earlier this month in getting no responses from customer support when sites went down. Days…
The world in 2015 according to Google
What will the future look like in five years’ time? That’s in 2015, the year of the next-but-one Rugby World Cup (a fact) and the end of the fourth estate (a prediction). It’s also the year of some predicted cool…