Month: October 2009

  • Sharing UK experiences on B2B social media

    If you want some insight into who’s doing what in business-to-business engagement with social media in the UK, the Dell B2B Social Media Huddle on December 7 is an event that you’ll not want to miss. During a full day…

  • Twitter metrics still miss mobile and apps

    Market intelligencer Hitwise published new research yesterday about visits to the Twitter website, showing that such visits have been in decline since a peak in July. The figures relate to visits by US users to the Twitter website, which follows…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #496: October 29, 2009

    Content summary: Dan York suggests FIR Friends of Google Wave and goes retro with an email newsletter, has lots to say about Google and Facebook, and more; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; News That Fits: Edelman takes heat for…

  • I like the look and feel of Rackspace Cloud

    I’m still thinking about what to do concerning a hosting service for my blogs. This thinking period follows the appalling experience I suffered with DreamHost earlier this month in getting no responses from customer support when sites went down. Days…

  • The world in 2015 according to Google

    What will the future look like in five years’ time? That’s in 2015, the year of the next-but-one Rugby World Cup (a fact) and the end of the fourth estate (a prediction). It’s also the year of some predicted cool…