Year: 2010
Feeling good
Another year – and a decade – draws to a close. I don’t know about you but my thoughts tend to look forward to what may be coming in the New Year rather than only looking back on what has…
Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR’s new book review editor
Your FIR co-hosts are delighted to welcome Bob LeDrew as the new editor of our book review feed. We started the book review podcast as a means by which we can share our views of books related to the themes…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #579: December 27, 2010
Content summary: Welcome to the holiday season episode; introducing our book review editor, Bob LeDrew; no report this week from Michael Netzley in Singapore; happy birthday, Allan Jenkins!; listener comments discussion; News That Fits: Dan York reports on snow in…
Merry Christmas
The Christmas message in this someecards’ ecard seems pretty apt, a timely one given all the weather and shopping disasters of this month so far. Still, it’s Christmas Eve and, presents, Plan B presents or no presents (or even ‘IOU…
FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year
Mark Zuckerberg can be Time’s person of the year but here we have the FT’s man of the year – Steve Jobs, the man behind the continuing success of Apple and those so-gorgeous products everyone desires that include iPhone, iPad,…