Month: March 2010

  • It’s easy to focus your attention with a Twitter hashtag, wherever you are

    It’s not so long ago that if you wanted to see what was going on at a conference or other event, and gain some insight into issues and topics being discussed in real time, your only feasible option was actually…

  • A benchmark established for blogger responsibility

    A significant event happened yesterday that embraces freedom of speech, blogging and notions of responsibility for one’s actions. It concerns a blog post written by Rod Liddle (a journalist), published on a blog run by The Spectator (a weekly political…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #538: March 29, 2010

    Content summary: Michael Netzley in Singapore interviews Steve Rubel; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; News That Fits: Ryanair embraces social media, Rachel Maddow/Scott Brown controversy a Facebook/Twitter fabrication; special report on Coultermania from Bob LeDrew in Ottawa; listener comments…

  • The enterprise iPad is coming

    It’s less than a week to go before the iPad is released in the United States, on April 3. It comes to the UK and other countries later in April. Even if hardly anyone outside of some mainstream media, app…

  • PR Week PowerBook: genuine influence or simply a popularity list?

    PRWeek has published the PRWeek PowerBook 2010, a 106-page A5-size book sub-titled “The definitive guide to the most influential people in PR” in the UK. The publication was launched at a shindig in central London last week, which I went…