Month: April 2010
Five stories for Friday
Content that arrived in my RSS reader this morning presents many interesting things that are going on in business, communication and technology. And so little time to comment on them today other than in passing. While I share links to…
Diminishing care about politics
Yesterday’s gaffe by Prime Minister Gordon Brown – he made disparaging private comments about a voter with whom he said publicly he’d had an enjoyable conversation, forgetting that his radio microphone was still live – is all over the mainstream…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #544: April 26, 2010
Content summary: Neville’s solo on Sunday and Shel’s on a plane; FIR Interview with Kelly Hoey published, Katie Paine’s NewComm Forum session is up; Shel’s review of NewComm Forum 2010; Neville looks at celebrity iPhone apps and Google Maps Navigation;…
Love for the Cadbury brand
There’s quite a bit of talk about Cadbury – an iconic British brand controversially snapped up earlier this year by US food giant Kraft – becoming a presence on the High Street with Cadbury-branded outlets that, some say, would compete…