Month: June 2010

  • A guide to writing for the world

    Much of what we write these days is for publication electronically in some form. Email, text messages, Twitter, social network walls, blog posts, web pages, you name it, we’re writing it. With so many people writing so much stuff, often…

  • FIR Speakers and Speeches: Rob Shimmin at Dell B2B Social Media Huddle

    The second Dell B2B Social Media Huddle (hashtag: #dellb2b) took place at Microsoft in London on May 25, 2010. The aim of the one-day event was to bring together senior in-house communications and marketing professionals to exchange and share experiences…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #553: June 28, 2010

    Content summary: Shel’s on his own in Atlanta; two surveys for FIR listeners to take; review of Charlene Li’s Open Leadership is coming; listener comments; 5 minutes on… BPGlobalPR Twitter account inspires a similar effort aimed at ATT, the 15…

  • The Russian president tweets

    The Russian government has started a presence on Twitter in the form of two accounts under the name of the ‘President of Russia,’ one in Russian and one in English. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev tweeted his first thoughts yesterday in…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #552: June 21, 2010

    Content summary: FIR video interview and demo of IABC Discovery posted, plus another FIR Speakers & Speeches podcast from the Dell B2B event in London; listener comment and Friendfeed FIR Room round-up; 5 minutes on… Forrester’s call for help with…