Month: July 2010

  • Valuable insights for marketers if they listen

    The results of a survey on how people use Twitter published yesterday adds confirmation in my mind that those who think Twitter is just another marketing channel don’t really understand people’s behaviours. The survey Twitter and the Consumer-Marketer Dynamic, conducted…

  • The huge potential of India

    Swedish internet monitoring and analytics firm Royal Pingdom posted some great metrics today on which countries are the largest in terms of internet users and speculates on what the future might hold. While the primary chart in Royal Pingdom’s post…

  • FIR Interview: Augie Ray, Forrester Research

    Senior Forrester analyst Augie Ray speaks with FIR co-host Shel Holtz about The ROI of Social Media Marketing, a new report from Forrester Research that goes beyond the financial measures to address a variety of ways to assess the impact…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #557: July 26, 2010

    Content summary: Contest continues for free FIR iPhone app; next FIR Live is August 14 with panellists that include Steve Rubel, Scott Monty and Jennifer Cohen; new FIR Interview with the Smithsonian’s Michael Edson posted, another one to come this…

  • FIR Live set for August 14 on Facebook-focused campaigns

    FIR Live is back! Is it wise for companies to direct consumers to their Facebook pages instead of their websites? That’s the subject the panel will discuss on Saturday, August 14 in our live call-in show, at 10am Pacific, 1pm…