Month: November 2010
FIR Cut: Smartphones to ring up 28 percent of holiday shopping
Overflow from FIR #575 on November 29, 2010. InformationWeek: Smartphones To Ring Up 28% Of Holiday Shopping in the US Download this podcast (MP3, 1.106Mb, length 2:40) If you want to automatically receive FIR Cuts as they’re published, subscribe to…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #575: November 29, 2010
Content summary: Kristin Brandt from Manic Mommies is guest co-host; FIR Live on BP Gulf oil spill set for December 11; listener comments; Ragan promo on Corporate Editors and Writers Conference; Kristin and Shel discuss mommy blogging; News That Fits:…
FIR Live on December 11: BP oil spill communications
FIR Live #20 Saturday, December 11, 2010 10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm GMT Participate or listen in The next episode of FIR Live will look at the communication efforts surrounding the Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill…