Month: November 2010

  • FIR Cut: Smartphones to ring up 28 percent of holiday shopping

    Overflow from FIR #575 on November 29, 2010. InformationWeek: Smartphones To Ring Up 28% Of Holiday Shopping in the US Download this podcast (MP3, 1.106Mb, length 2:40) If you want to automatically receive FIR Cuts as they’re published, subscribe to…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #575: November 29, 2010

    Content summary: Kristin Brandt from Manic Mommies is guest co-host; FIR Live on BP Gulf oil spill set for December 11; listener comments; Ragan promo on Corporate Editors and Writers Conference; Kristin and Shel discuss mommy blogging; News That Fits:…

  • The role of media in the WikiLeaks revelations

    Among the many news events vying for our attention in today’s media – mainstream and social – arguably the revelations from WikiLeaks about confidential communications between US embassies around the world and Washington will capture a majority of that attention…

  • Cision updates top 10 UK PR blogs list

    Cision UK has published an updated list of what the business intelligence and communication firm ranks as the top ten PR blogs in the UK: Drew B’s take on Tech PR Wadd’s PR and Media blog A PR Guy’s…

  • FIR Live on December 11: BP oil spill communications

    FIR Live #20 Saturday, December 11, 2010 10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm GMT Participate or listen in The next episode of FIR Live will look at the communication efforts surrounding the Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill…