Month: August 2011

  • FIR Interview upcoming on Altimeter Group’s Social Business Readiness survey

    Your FIR co-hosts are planning an interview for next week with Altimeter Group‘s Jeremiah Owyang about the release of a new study, "Social Business Readiness," released today – the presentation is embedded below. In preparation for the interview, we’re sharing…

  • How do you define social CRM?

    It started with a tweet: news from IT industry analysts Gartner as reported by TechCrunch that the social customer relationship management (CRM) market is forecast to reach over $1 billion in revenue by year-end 2012, up from approximately $625 million…

  • Skype’s impact eight years on

    Skype celebrated its eighth anniversary a couple of days ago, quietly and with little fanfare. The internet phone service has come a very long way in this relatively short time. What started in 2003 as a program you installed on…

  • How to hack a phone like News of The World journalists did

    Via Reuters: World renowned computer hacker, Kevin Mitnick, shows you step-by-step how the News of the World journalists hacked into private voicemails. Shockingly easy to do with some open source software as Mitnick explains. If you access your mobile phone…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #614: August 29, 2011

    Content summary: Shel’s in San Diego; listen to this week’s Friday Rock Show with Neville as guest presenter; listener comments discussion; Ragan promo; News That Fits: community management trends from Altimeter’s Jeremiah Owyang, Dan York reports on the Irene social…