Year: 2012

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #684: December 31, 2012

    Intro: We conclude our 7th year of FIR (and begin our 8th year) on January 3, on the audio quality in episode 683, FIR Interview with Ekaterina Walter coming early in the New Year; Quick News: Mobile malware will be…

  • Leadership is about conversations

    I came upon a blog post this weekend that addressed its subject matter in a way that I found breath-taking both in its simplicity and in its clarity. 5 Qualities that Make a Good Leader in the Social Media Age…

  • The Kindle’s days are numbered

    Whenever I’m on the tube in London, one thing I notice is the number of people quietly absorbed in reading a book or other text content on a Kindle as the crowded trains speed their way through the tunnels beneath…

  • Compelling content is king for the newspaper business too

    How healthy is the newspaper business? If you look at print, the long-term prognosis is not encouraging overall, certainly not in the UK and to a large extent neither in the US, especially as the declining circulation and revenue of…

  • FIR Cut: Starbucks Twitter hashtag hijacked by critics

    Overflow from FIR #683 on December 24, 2012. Mashable: Starbucks Twitter Hashtag Campaign Becomes Forum for Brand-Bashing Telegraph: Starbucks Twitter campaign hijacked by tax protests Twitter: #SpreadTheCheer Listen Now: Download this podcast (MP3, 3.95Mb; length 9:47) If you want to…