Month: March 2012
FIR Interview: Erik Huddleston, CTO of Dachis Group
Austin, Texas-based Dachis Group defines itself as an organization that “powers the design, development, management and measurement of social business solutions for the world’s leading companies.” To this end, among the products and services the company offers is the Social…
How to hack an RSS feed from a Twitter hashtag
If you moderate or participate in tweet chats, you know how frantic they can be. In a lively discussion, you can get a constant firehose of tweets pouring at you over the course of the chat, often an hour or…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #644: March 26, 2012
Content summary: Shel’s travelling, Neville solo recording this week; FIR Interview with PRSA’s Gerard Corbett posted; FIR Book Review of For Immediate Release (no kidding) by Ronn Torossian posted; RSS feed problems with the last episode fixed; News That Fits:…