Month: April 2012
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #649: April 30, 2012
Content summary: FIR Book Review of “Reality is Broken” is up, another book review coming this week; News That Fits: Klout gears up for brand pages and social media dominance; Ragan promo; information control at the London Olympics 2012 vs…
Google Cube game brings fun to learning
A very neat idea from Google – a game to raise awareness of, and educate you about, Google Maps. Cube runs in your browser (ideally Google Chrome). You play it by completing levels that set you navigational challenges in various…
FIR Book Review: Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal
FIR co-host Shel Holtz reviews Jane McGonigal‘s Reality is Broken, which argues that the principles of game play can lead to better results than the routine approaches we take to problem-solving in the real world. From the book’s description: “In…