Month: August 2012
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #666: August 27, 2012
Content summary: Shel’s still in São Paolo thanks to Tropical Storm Isaac; what’s behind the number ‘666’?; Giovanni Rodriguez interview is up; Quick News: Facebook launches Edge Studio for agencies, is Feedburner about to be closed by Google?, new features…
A refresher on how to write a press release
It seemed a good idea – spend an early hour on a Bank Holiday Monday to get up-to-date with the email inbox. Catch up on those emails that I’d marked to give attention to when I had time. After going…
Good Sunday reads
It’s a nice change to simply enjoy the start of Sunday morning for the sake of it, spending an hour or so reading about interesting things for no other reason than, well, they’re interesting. The Bank Holiday weekend virtual papers…