Month: October 2012

  • The mindset shift in open government online

    The British Government has launched GOV.UK, a new website that is designed to be the single place online for access to wide-ranging information and other content about government services available to citizens. The new website replaces the public sites Directgov…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #673: October 15, 2012

    Listen Now: Intro: Shel speaking at PRSA conference today (and was at a special wedding yesterday), Neville solo this week; FIR nominated for 2012 European Podcast Award; discount for FIR listeners to Social Media Marketing 2012 conference in London on…

  • There is no try

    Today is Blog Action Day, an annual event that’s run since 2007 that aims to create a positive discussion online that enables social good about an important topic. The topic this year is The Power of We. This is my…

  • Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD

    A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – BYOD for short – that illustrates some of the profound changes taking place in the workplace in how people use (and want to…

  • The PRketing PRunt

    One web definition of “public relations” is “A promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution.” Clearly that’s what DS Simon Productions in New York City is trying to do in its announcement of being granted a trademark…