Month: October 2012

  • Experiencing the FT’s #FTDLW12

    I’m spending the day today at the Financial Times headquarters in London, taking part in an employee-focused learning experience that, until I arrived here early this morning, I hadn’t appreciated the full scale of what they’re endeavouring to achieve. The…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #672: October 8, 2012

    Listen Now: Intro: Neville’s delivering a talk after a trip to Sweden; Mitch Joel was unable to guest co-host as planned due to an illness, so Shel’s on his own; FIR listeners can get a discount to an upcoming Social…

  • On target with QR codes

    A technology that’s often criticized as being in a cul-de-sac is QR codes, those little square images that you scan with an app on your smartphone to perform some kind of action. It’s that ‘action’ that’s the focus of criticism…

  • Tweets in the sky at the Ryder Cup

    Golf fans had a gripping experience with the Ryder Cup competition in Chicago this past weekend, with a nail-biting finale that saw the Europeans pip the Americans to the post at the last minute to win the tournament. SiliconRepublic reports…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #671: October 1, 2012

    Listen Now: Intro: No Asia report from Michael Netzley this week; new FIR Speakers & Speeches podcasts from Dave Coplin, Antony Mayfield, Andrew Grill at #smwb2b; new FIR Interview podcast with Phil Hollows of Feedblitz; Quick News: HootSuite launches Conversations,…