Month: May 2013

  • Fifteen big trends for the evolving digital age

    Fifteen big trends for the evolving digital age

    The latest sets of analysed data on current and next internet trends from the peerless Mary Meeker, US venture capitalist and analyst, and her colleague Liang Wu, present a buffet of valuable metrics and compelling insights into the scope of…

  • FIR Speakers and Speeches: Livia Giulia Zuppardo on Google+ at #b2bhuddle

    Many companies use social networks in their B2B marketing. According to Google, the advent of Google+ broadens the horizons for businesses by adding a social layer across all Google’s services that adds identity, relationships, and sharing to the mix. In…

  • The FT’s digital revolution bears fruit with fastFT

    An intriguing-looking package arrived at my house on Saturday, delivered by special courier. "fastFT Markets Survival Kit," said the little pink card tied with red ribbon to the top of the square box. I knew immediately who it was from…

  • WordPress ten years on

    Ten years ago, on May 27, 2003, WordPress was released. It wasn’t the first software that enabled anyone to write their thoughts down and publish them online for the world to see. But its free and open source credentials along…

  • Good reasons to be at LeWeb London in June

    In ten days time, LeWeb London takes place. The overall theme is the sharing economy; the speaker line-up is fabulous, the agenda is compelling and, so, far, over 850 people have booked to be there on June 5 and 6.…