Year: 2014
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #788: December 29, 2014
Next week’s episode marks the start of our 11th year of FIR: would you like to contribute to the show? Quick News: TripAdvisor fined in Italy for failing to prevent fake reviews, Coca-Cola dumps voicemail, Facebook finds that not all…
Goodwill 2014
Greater love and understanding for other people – these aren’t bad sentiments this Christmas 2014 when you consider some of the recent events that have caused such grief and anguish around the world. “Peace and goodwill to all men,” is…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #787: December 22, 2014
Intro: Contributions for the January 5 (10th anniversary) episode, recording of Cision/Vocus webinar “Social Media Marketing vs Social PR” available; Quick News: PCs are still tops for video viewing, Doximity the ‘LinkedIn for doctors’ has signed up more than half…
Making a QR code useful isn’t rocket science
A technology that’s often subject to much criticism is QR codes, those square symbols that enable a barcode scanning app on your smartphone to interpret the data they contain and deliver information to you when you scan them Much of…