Month: March 2014

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #749: March 31, 2014

    Intro: Neville’s away; our guest co-host is Olivier Blanchard, a brand management and digital communications consultant to companies and agencies around the world. Quick News: Google Glass in talks with Luxottica, makers of Ray Ban and Oakley sunglasses; USC’s Annenberg…

  • FIR Interview: Jay Lauf, Publisher, Quartz magazine

    FIR Interview: Jay Lauf, Publisher, Quartz magazine

    In September 2012, Quartz entered the evolving mainstream media landscape with its offering, a digital business magazine intended primarily for consumption on tablets and other mobile devices. There is no print edition. In the eighteen months since the launch of…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #748: March 24, 2014

    Intro: Neville on Skype via a 4G connection from Three UK; welcome to our new sponsor, Igloo Software; FIR interviews coming soon: with Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglio on their new book “The Power of Visual Storytelling”, and with Jay…

  • Igloo Software joins FIR as our latest sponsor

    Please join us in welcoming Igloo Software as the latest FIR Podcast Network sponsor. Igloo, which offers a web-based platform for collaborating at work, will join Ragan Communications and CustomScoop as sponsors of The Hobson and Holtz Report. Through the…

  • Twitter eight years on

    Today marks the eighth anniversary of Twitter, the communication platform that is globally ubiquitous today, the eleventh most-visited website in the world. From co-founder Jack Dorsey‘s first tweet on this day, March 21, in 2006, the number of active users…