Month: October 2014
Friction-free donating with SnapDonate
Sometimes you see an app for mobile devices that’s simply brilliant in the idea and concept of it. Such is the case with SnapDonate, a new app for Android devices that lets you make a snap decision, ‘snap’ the charity,…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #779: October 27, 2014
We’re together in London, recording face-to-face instead of at remote ends of a Skype call, with a different format for this episode: conversation and opinion, not reports, on the broad theme of experiences. Intro: Neville recognized for Outstanding Contribution to…
FIR Speakers and Speeches: In conversation with Millennials at Syracuse University London
The ability to effectively communicate across cultures is rapidly becoming a required competency – and not only for those who plan to travel, live or work abroad. It’s the broad topic of study for a group of Millennials at Syracuse…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #778: October 20, 2014
Intro: Shel’s in Copenhagen, Neville just got back from Sweden, so this show is a ‘compilation episode’; coming this week – podcast with Syracuse University London campus students; Quick News: McDonald’s hires former MythBusters host to address food issues, BBC…