Month: October 2015

  • TalkTalk: Is it time to RunRun?

    TalkTalk: Is it time to RunRun?

    It’s the stuff of PR nightmares – a company embroiled in its most significant crisis, one that has wider implications in society at large, with negative press and other opinion wherever you look, watch and listen; and photos (like the…

  • Changing times

    Changing times

    “Did you remember to turn the clocks back last night?” That used to be a common question at this time of year when we wind our clocks back one hour to return to GMT (or UTC if you want to…

  • Authentically personal

    Authentically personal

    Since Google started Google Doodles some years ago, the now-ubiquitous graffito-like illustrations appear in your Chrome browser on a near-weekly basis to replace the standard Google logo and mark the birthday of a notable public figure or event. Today, the…

  • Social media campaign winners showcased in #somecomms Awards 2015

    Social media campaign winners showcased in #somecomms Awards 2015

    The Emirates Stadium in north London, home of the Premier League football club Arsenal, is a terrific venue for an event such as the UK Social Media Communication Awards. the 2015 edition of which took place there on Thursday October…

  • VW: Recalling a reputation

    VW: Recalling a reputation

    The Volkswagen emissions-test-cheating scandal moved on a few miles/kilometres this week with developments that saw the VW group headquarters and some employees’ homes raided by German prosecutors and criminal investigators, the CEO of the US subsidiary hauled in front of…