Category: RSS
Five stories for the holiday weekend
Ever since I started blogging back in 2002, I have always found RSS to be one of the most useful tech tools ever invented. RSS enables me, you, anyone, to automatically receive new or updated content from anywhere on the…
Five stories for Friday
Content that arrived in my RSS reader this morning presents many interesting things that are going on in business, communication and technology. And so little time to comment on them today other than in passing. While I share links to…
Stories for starting the weekend
When I’m desk bound early in the mornings, my habit is tea with RSS. Today is no exception, and a quiet perusal through my 100 or so subscriptions in FeedDemon produced quite a few gems, all of which I share…
RSS, Twitter and lifestreaming: Is there an engagement somewhere?
Quite a bit of buzz today over the news from Matt Mullenweg that supports RSS Cloud, a new development in the evolution of RSS. Created by Dave Winer, RSS Cloud basically involves the push-notification to subscribers of your RSS…