Category: RSS

  • FeedDemon the smooth operator

    FeedDemon – the best desktop RSS feed reader for Windows, in my view – will soon be out in a new version 2.8. As is typical in much software development these days, beta versions of the new release are publicly…

  • Essential PR blogs to subscribe to

    People often ask me which PR blogs I read. Saying ‘a lot’ isn’t what they expect to hear but that’s what I do – I read a lot of PR blogs. Or rather, I subscribe to a lot of PR…

  • Finding good bloggers has never been easier

    If you want to find blogs that cover advertising, marketing and PR, it’s never been easier thanks to the selfless work of members of the online community. The first lists of PR blogs I found were created by Constantin Basturea…

  • Really simple RSS with Wikio

    If you’re like me, you’ve probably got a range of options for people to subscribe to your blog’s RSS feed. In addition to your main feed, often via FeedBurner, you might offer little chicklets or links that enable people to…

  • The emerging self-distribution news model

    Following the July 30 announcement from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about new guidance concerning Regulation FD, there has been plenty of online commentary and opinion on what people think it means for business, investors and communicators. The…