Category: Ethics

  • Setting a standard for event infographics

    Last week, the first Global PR Summit took place in Miami, Florida. Organized by the Holmes Group (best known for its Holmes Report and the SABRE Awards), the summit was billed as “a high-level event designed for senior practitioners to…

  • IABC raises more awareness of PR and Wikipedia

    Yesterday, the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) published its latest edition of CW Bulletin, the monthly online supplement to CW, the association’s printed monthly magazine for members. Each edition of CW Bulletin presents articles, case studies and additional resources…

  • What happens in Vegas happens all over the web

    The kerfuffle over those pics of Prince Harry in the buff in Las Vegas will reverberate for a while as The Establishment to’s and fro’s over the morality, ethics and plain business greed of it all. First published in the…

  • Will Klout ever let you go?

    In November 2011, I quit Klout. Totally and completely. Not only did I close the account, but also I cancelled permissions to allow Klout to connect to each of the online social places to which I’d previously given it permission.…

  • Drawing a line on ethics in PR

    Like all professions, public relations has codes of ethics that describe behaviours to guide those who practice the profession to differentiate what’s right and wrong in how they do that. A simplistic view, perhaps, but not far off a base…