Category: Ethics

  • Should you trust Twitter?

    So the kerfuffle over Twitter’s suspension of journalist Guy Adams’ account has ended, with the company reinstating it and issuing an apology of sorts. Adams, the Los Angeles-based correspondent for The Independent newspaper, had been posting a series of tweets…

  • Barclays cultural crookery and immorality

    What a destruction of trust in this report of what people in Barclays Bank have been doing behind the scenes and for which the bank has been fined £290 million. […] Former City minister Lord Myners told the BBC that…

  • From the “What were you thinking!” PR department

    A bit of a kerfuffle has erupted with US retailing giant Walmart at the heart of it, as The Guardian reports: Stephanie Harnett, a publicist working for Mercury Communications, which has been retained by Walmart to assist in its effort…

  • Spot the PR fake

    Is it Shell’s private Arctic launch party that goes wrong? This was a private send-off for Shell’s arctic rigs (Kulluk and Noble discoverer) at the Seattle Space Needle. The rigs were visible outside the window. Incredibly, there was an obvious…

  • Facebook could be a standard feature in credit scoring

    German news magazine Der Spiegel reports that Germany’s largest credit agency plans to mine Facebook and other social networking sites in search of information that could help the agency determine what effect online relationships may have on people’s abilities to…