Category: Ethics

  • Pick up the pitchforks

    Powerful stuff from +Clay Shirky who describes the US entertainment and media industry thus in his call to ‘pick up the pitchforks’ re SOPA and PIPA: “[…] This is an industry that demands payment from summer camps if the kids…

  • The key word in Carrier IQ is ‘FUD’

    Quite a kerfuffle blew up during the past week over privacy and what happens to information about your mobile phone usage that, unknown to you, is captured on your device by logging software made by US diagnostics and analytics firm…

  • Out of Klout

    The kerfuffle about Klout, the self-styled ‘standard for influence’ service, that blew up last month has largely settled down now as most online kerfuffles tend to. Yet the storm that erupted following Klout’s change in how they measure an individual’s…

  • What is Klout worth to you?

    What a kerfuffle Klout has stirred up! The US company that offers a service to “measure influence online” made changes last week in the technology it uses to calculate an individual’s influence rank known as a Klout Score. One of…

  • The graphic new media landscape

    As voices continue to be raised on the ethics and morality of mainstream media use of disturbing and graphic images of Muammar Gaddafi in the moments before and after his violent death, a Reuters report offers some insightful perspectives on…