Category: Films

  • From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker

    From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker

    In a few weeks’ time, the next episode in the Star Wars saga will be in the cinema. I already have my tickets and can’t wait to see it! It’s hard to imagine sometimes that the very first Star Wars…

  • The shape of movies to come

    So The Interview got its public showing on Christmas Day in the United States in spite of hacks on Sony Pictures’ computer systems, angry denials by the North Koreans that they were behind the hacks, and intervention by the US…

  • Movie marketing with imagination comes to LinkedIn with Taken 3

    Promoting a new movie across the social web nowadays is an integral part of most movie marketing as the film studios and distributors try to get their movie of the moment talked up and shared online. The ultimate goal is…

  • #Skyfall: impressions of the latest James Bond adventure

    We saw #Skyfall this afternoon at our local Showcase cinema. Very hard to say much about it without being a total spoiler. Five non-spoiler impressions: Daniel Craig is a brilliant Bond, grittier and more credible than before. And he was…

  • A pharma view of social media

    Last June, I took part in a video project that was characterized by its creativity, imaginative high-definition video work and of the content – social media and the workplace – and the credible opinions of the people who feature in…