Category: Films

  • Watching the Watchmen

    I’m watching with great interest some of the social media communication Dan Light is involved with as part of the marketing for Watchmen, a movie about American superheroes based on a DC Comics series, due out in the UK on…

  • Suspend your disbelief and enjoy the adventure

    When my wife and I came out of the cinema yesterday afternoon, after seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I started thinking about how to summarize what I thought of the film. What would I say…

  • Product placement insight from Mercedes-Benz

    The movie version of the hit TV series Sex and the City opens in the UK later next month. Stars of the show look like being the range of Mercedes-Benz vehicles as much as Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte. Yesterday’s…

  • Think of the small screen as a new canvas

    Reviewing some of the reporting and commentary from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, it’s clear to see that this is heaven for gadget geeks. I wish I were there! New mobile devices abound, either launching very soon…

  • The big picture with a Nokia N95 8GB

    I’ve had a really superb mobile phone for the past three months – a Nokia N95 8GB, the latest generation of a phone that packs 8 gigs of internal flash storage space, has wifi, GPS and more bells and whistles…