Category: FIR Podcast Network
For Immediate Release 130: Facebook’s Moments of Truth
In this monthly episode of The Hobson & Holtz Report aka FIR 130, the major discussion surrounded Facebook and the growing crisis embroiling the social network over alleged misuse of data about users and their friends by the political consultancy…
For Immediate Release 126:
Is KFC FCK’d?Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz get together for the February instalment of “The Hobson & Holtz Report” aka For Immediate Release episode 126. The big topic in this episode is the plight of KFC in the UK and Ireland where…
For Immediate Release 122: Trust, influence, pharma and more
The January installment of The Hobson & Holtz Report brings Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz together in a long-form podcast that covers a handful of topical issues. We start with the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer including the role of influencers…
For Immediate Release 118: Longer tweets, creepy tweets, and tweetstorms
Shel Holtz and I recorded the December edition of the monthly Hobson & Holtz Report podcast. It is the final FIR episode of 2017: FIR will return on January 8, 2018, in an all-new format. Listen to this episode for…
For Immediate Release 113: Not a 280-Character Episode
Shel and I recorded the November edition of the monthly Hobson & Holtz Report podcast. We had a great chinwag on these topics: A follow-up to our KFC story (about 11 herbs and spices); the social media team struck again.…