Category: Gadgets

  • A Twitter Mosaic mug

    A whole industry has sprung up around Twitter, the microblogging service that attracts lots of money but isn’t yet too concerned with making any itself. Leave that to other entrepreneurs to monetize Twitter with the imagination to create something that…

  • When Apple asked about O2

    I had an email from Apple this morning, asking me to take a brief survey regarding my recent sorry experience with my iPhone which was replaced under warranty last week. “Dear Apple Customer,” it began. “Apple would like to get…

  • No genius at O2

    I was in a Twitter conversation this morning with Luke Razzell about the iPhone and our different experiences when something goes wrong. In Luke’s case, he had a problem with the antenna of his iPhone. He visited an Apple Genius…

  • O2: phone service awful, store service great

    It’s been a major frustration since Boxing Day – no iPhone! From one day to the next, my iPhone suddenly didn’t work. When I turned it on, all that happened is the screen you see in the image. The most…

  • INQ1: A phone for Facebook connectivity

    Courtesy of 3 and 3mobilebuzz, I have an INQ1 mobile phone on loan for the next few weeks. Check the Flickr slideshow for some pics of this phone that I took this morning (with a Nokia N95 8GB) My immediate…