Category: Gadgets
Video on an iPhone with
One of the things I love doing is experimenting with new software, hardware and other tech, all from multiple perspectives – personal development, personal fun and business communication. A great example is, what can only be described as “a…
Getting to know the iPhone 3G
Regular readers of this blog know that I love gadgets especially mobile devices. Over the past few years, I’ve had great enjoyment from a wide range of devices – ones I’ve either purchased myself or which have been given or…
Googlephone is the bees knees
Could the Googlephone from T-Mobile be the best-kept secret in the UK today? I ask that slightly rhetorical question as I’ve seen very little online buzz for this mobile device – more formally known as the T-Mobile G1 – which…
Googlephone coming
Just two weeks to wait until Googlephone goes on sale in the UK – October 30 is the date according to T-Mobile who has exclusive UK rights to the phone. I call it ‘Googlephone’ because that’s how I think of…
Becoming a plugged-in traveller
There’s a post by Jake McKee on Dell’s new DigitalNomads blog that suggests some great tips for business travellers to think about when planning a trip, especially concerning your baggage. Don’t check in your bag at the airport, says Jake,…