Category: Gadgets
Grappling with the mobile email monster
Most people I know in business have a Blackberry. And it is usually a Blackberry, not another smartphone brand, that people use to keep on top of things like email when they’re out and about. For years, I’ve been a…
3 Skypephone S2 hits the UK market
The 3 Skypephone S2 – the second-generation Skypephone from mobile operator 3 – is about to go on sale in the UK. From today, you can pre-order one from 3’s website or at a local 3 store. Phones ordered this…
New Skypephones coming
If you have a 3 Skypephone, or are thinking about getting one, you might be interested in this news – a new model of the mobile device, dubbed Skypephone S2, will be in 3’s UK stores on August 18. I…
The power of love
It’s been hard to avoid reading about the new 3G iPhone, launched around the world on Friday. Much of what I’ve seen has been about the frustrations and disappointments with Apple’s activation system, resulting in hundreds if not thousands of…
Print on the go with Polaroid PoGo
I met with some folk from Polaroid and PR agency Clarion Communications last Thursday evening to see and talk about the latest product Polaroid has just launched in the UK – the Polaroid PoGo. This portable device you see pictured…