Category: Gadgets

  • A hoverboard that works

    Doesn’t this… …look remarkably like this… Reality in a Back To The Future II style. Not in five years – 2015 was the year portrayed in that film – but ten is credible, I reckon. (Via Engadget) Related post: No…

  • Will the iPad be your show-maker or your show-stopper?

    As the iPad formally launches today in the UK – as well as in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain and Switzerland – expect your TV news to be full of images of queues at Apple stores in all…

  • FT iPad Edition first impressions

    For much of the past week, I’ve been lucky enough to have had my hands on an iPad, thanks to 33 Digital, the FT’s PR agency. I was trying out the Financial Times iPad Edition, an app the FT made…

  • Investors love the iPad

    There’s simply no question that the hottest news today, this Easter weekend, is the launch of Apple’s iPad, the device that has captured global attention like nothing else. The hype is incredible. In fact, if you were to wonder where…

  • Finally, a mobile phone to upgrade to

    I love the iPhone. Everyone I know who has one loves theirs, too. I differ from most people I know, though, in that I rarely use it as a phone: for me, it’s an app platform exclusively, not a phone…