Category: Gadgets

  • The enterprise iPad is coming

    It’s less than a week to go before the iPad is released in the United States, on April 3. It comes to the UK and other countries later in April. Even if hardly anyone outside of some mainstream media, app…

  • More evidence on why you need to make your website work for mobile devices

    The share of web traffic from mobile devices increased by 110 percent in North America over the past year and 148 percent globally, according to a new study by Quantcast as reported by MediaPost News. […] While still only a…

  • Apple’s tablet as the killer e-reader

    Ellee Seymour asked me if I’ve tried an e-reader yet, one of those gadgets that you use to read e-books. Something like a Sony Reader, perhaps, or an Amazon Kindle. I told Ellee that I hadn’t yet. I do read…

  • Navigating sat navs, settled for a Navman

    One mobile device that ought to be added to any list of gadgets that epitomizes the Naughties (and there are lots of lists) is the portable satellite navigation device, or sat nav for short. I first used a portable sat…

  • Is your iPhone with OS 3.1 crashing too?

    Apple released an updated version 3.1 of the operating system for iPhone two weeks ago which brings some great new functionality. It also brings some not-so-great instability and bugs, it seems, certainly what I’ve experienced a couple of times since…