Category: IABC

  • An opportunity for IABC to care

    Last November, I ended a 23-year relationship with IABC, the International Association of Business Communicators, when I let my membership lapse. I wrote about it in February and outlined some thinking about why I hadn’t renewed it. Six months later,…

  • It’s a matter of respect, IABC

    For the past few months, a growing discussion has been going on in the LinkedIn group of IABC, the International Association of Business Communicators. It’s a conversation that has brought to the surface a wide range of passionate commentary and…

  • IABC raises more awareness of PR and Wikipedia

    Yesterday, the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) published its latest edition of CW Bulletin, the monthly online supplement to CW, the association’s printed monthly magazine for members. Each edition of CW Bulletin presents articles, case studies and additional resources…

  • FIR Interview: IABC Executive Director Chris Sorek

    The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) welcomed Chris Sorek as its new executive director effective July 1. (Read the press release.) Sorek’s appointment follows a lengthy search to replace Julie Freeman, ABC, APR, who left the post after 10…

  • FIR Interview: John Clemons, Interim Executive Director, IABC

    Leading a professional association that represents about 15,000 business communication professionals in over 80 countries is a challenging opportunity for a visionary leader. It’s a challenge that John Clemons, ABC, APR, has grasped with alacrity following his appointment as  Interim…