Category: Projects

  • Tweet chat: Community engagement and other topics

    If you’re a small or medium business and would like to hear what others’ experiences are with using social media effectively, and perhaps share your own experiences, the next Dell tweet chat is for you. Over the course of an…

  • The Social Media Toolkit: a practical guide to social media for small businesses

    The Social Media Toolkit: a practical guide to social media for small businesses

    It seems to me that everyone is trying to figure out the role of social media for their organization, whatever size it is. As more people become become more clued-up about the potential of what social media tools and channels…

  • Encyclopaedia Britannica goes social

    Like most bloggers I know, I tend to link to information resources online when I’m writing about a particular topic. One reason is simply that linking to an explanation of something provides a reader of your content with an opportunity…

  • Key elements in blogger relations

    A few months ago, I started working with a company called Conjungo to help them gain some visibility in the blogosphere. Stimulate some interest and, hopefully, some conversations about what they offer. See where and how far a social media…

  • Manchester City goes green

    The City of Manchester football stadium – home to Manchester City FC – will soon be the first football ground in the world to be powered by sustainable energy when an 85-metre-high 3-megawatt wind turbine comes online next year. When…