Category: Reviews

  • Navigating sat navs, settled for a Navman

    One mobile device that ought to be added to any list of gadgets that epitomizes the Naughties (and there are lots of lists) is the portable satellite navigation device, or sat nav for short. I first used a portable sat…

  • Avatar: telling an old story in a new way

    We went and saw Avatar yesterday, the film that’s getting a lot of attention for a variety of reasons since its release on December 17: the amazing digital effects, the dramatic and epic scale of the story, the $400 million…

  • Art on the go

    If you’re an art lover who owns an iPhone or iPod Touch, you will rejoice today as you can visit the Musée du Louvre in Paris right on your device, wherever you happen to be. The museum just launched an…

  • The mother of all broadband?

    Yesterday, the broadband internet service into my home office that I receive from Virgin Media was upgraded from 20Mb (what Virgin calls its XL service) to the latest 50Mb (XXL in Virgin parlance). The first thing you do when doing…

  • Share your iPhone app recommendations with Appsfire

    One of the great things about iPhone apps is telling everyone about the ones you like as well as discovering what your friends like. Here’s a new service that lets you use email and social media to share your recommendations…