Category: Reviews

  • EE ups the 4G game

    If you’re a customer of EE on a 4G cellular service plan, you’ll relish the latest news from the UK’s only mobile operator with a commercial 4G service. EE announced today that it is doubling the speed and capacity of…

  • 4G LTE experiences and faster everything

    4G – the marketing term that covers the next-generation cellular standards LTE, HSPA+ and WiMAX – is rolling out worldwide and LTE is currently available in more than 60 countries. It’s generally seen that LTE is the fastest 4G service…

  • Getting things done faster with 4G

    It was good to see news last week that EE’s 4G cellular data coverage now extends to nine more towns across the UK. That translates as 4G currently available in 28 towns and cities covering 45 percent of the population,…

  • The peculiarities of cellular network speeds

    It’s easy these days to see how fast your mobile network is – just run a test on your mobile device with a service such as and it will give you measured results. But – as I expect you…

  • Putting the EE experience to the test

    In October, mobile operator EE rolled out the UK’s first 4G mobile network in selected cities across the UK. The initial public roll-out of 4G wasn’t without some big hiccups for EE early adopters, notably as experienced and recorded by…