Category: Reviews

  • I’d love to try the new Office Preview if I could get it installed

    This concise comment on Microsoft’s Office Preview support forum says it all about the frustrations that many people including me have experienced in trying to install the free trial version of Office Customer Preview: Hey Microsoft, make it simple yo………

  • American Express and Foursquare connect in the UK

    I was pretty excited when I first learned that American Express were bringing their Foursquare promotional offerings to the UK, their first market for this outside the US. Just as in the US, what the promotion does for American Express…

  • Frictionless podcast listening with Player FM

    If you listen to podcasts, might interest you if you want an easy way to both listen to your favourite shows and discover new ones. is a podcasting service in the cloud. You use it in your web…

  • "Slideshare meets YouTube" from Present dot me

    Every now and again, a PR pitch arrives that just grabs your attention. When thought and imagination goes into it, at least in making it appear personal to you, it’s quite refreshing to receive something that tells a good story,…

  • A cure for hotel wifi frustrations with Connectify

    One of the biggest frustrations when you’re travelling is the less than compelling experiences that are typical with internet connectivity in hotels and conference venues – high cost, difficulty and/or extra costs to connect more than one device (laptop plus…