Category: RSS
Moving on from Feedburner to Feedblitz
After seven years, it’s time to say goodbye to Feedburner and say hello to Feedblitz. A week ago, I wrote about my worries that RSS feeds delivered via Feedburner might not work after October 20, after a note on the…
Prepare for goodbye Feedburner in October 2012
[Update September 15: Moving on from Feedburner to Feedblitz. I decided to move away from Feedburner. The post you’re reading, and it’s update at the end, tries to throw some light on a murky picture, with limited success. I’ve made…
How to hack an RSS feed from a Twitter hashtag
If you moderate or participate in tweet chats, you know how frantic they can be. In a lively discussion, you can get a constant firehose of tweets pouring at you over the course of the chat, often an hour or…