Category: Spam
Grasping the nettle of PR spam
Spam: a scourge of contemporary life. I’m talking about the digital variety rather than the savoury meat product originating in a mists-of-time, analogue age. Just about the worst kind of spam I see is that which purports to be relevant…
Marketers ‘destroy customer relationships online’
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the problem with PR email, the results of a survey on people’s attitudes to the email that PR agencies and others send them. The survey paints a dismal picture of how email is…
The problem with PR email
A timely story about that distribution channel so often misused by the PR industry – email. In an article published in (and elsewhere), Iain Fleming, who works for Newslink, a news aggregation and delivery service in the UK, writes…
Less email spam with OtherInbox
For the past few months, I’ve been using an email service in private beta called OtherInbox as a way to manage email from companies whose services I sign up for. This is especially useful when you sign up for something…